Birthday Letter to my Oldest son (on his 10th birthday)

In keeping with tradition, today I am writing a birthday letter to my oldest son on his 10th birthday. Birthday letters are my way of creating a written "snap shot" of my boys each year. I hope that some day they will enjoy looking back at the letters I have written, and that they will get a sense of how much their mother loves them.

To my oldest son:

I have no idea where the last ten years have gone. How on earth are you ten already? Although I wish I could slow down time, I couldn't be more proud of the young man you are becoming. You have a kind heart and a gentle spirit, and I am lucky to have you as my son.

Here are a few of the things that make you so special:

  • You don't like to show affection in front of your friends, but sometimes I still get to snuggle with you on the couch, and I treasure those moments together.
  • You love hockey... a lot! You play it, you watch it, you read about it, and you talk about it. You love watching Sports Centre each morning, and you are addicted to trading hockey cards.
  • You always strive to do your best. You are often the smallest and the youngest, but you don't give up, and it makes Dad and I very proud.
  • You and your brothers play together every day. You play sports, LEGO, games, mini sticks, Minecraft and more. You always find something fun to do together, and Dad and I love that you are such good buddies.
  • You are a wonderful guitar player, and I am impressed with your focus and musicality.
  • You still love peanut butter sandwiches, and it continues to be your favorite after-school snack.
  • Your favorite color is blue, your hockey number is 11, and you aren't sure what you want to be when you grow up (though I am sure it will be something awesome!).
Happy birthday, my little angel. You may be into double digits, but you will always be my first baby.


Mom xoxo

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