10 Things to Do in November {to prepare for the holiday season}

With a little less than a month until Christmas, here are some things you can do NOW to get ready for the big day.  Start checking off items on my November checklist for a less stressful holiday season.

1)  Make room for Christmas arrivals by purging what you already have.  Get rid of old clothes, toys, and everything else that you no longer need.

2)  Do an inventory of the clothing you have, and make a list of the holiday outfits that need to be purchased.  Think about holiday dresses, Christmas concert clothing, Christmas PJs, and outfits for Christmas Eve/Day.  Shop early when the selection is good.

3)  Make a list of Christmas gifts that need to be purchased... and start shopping and wrapping ASAP.

4)  Start baking right away.  Focus on items that freeze well.

5)  Start planning holiday events, activities and parties.  Calendars fill up quickly, so early invites are ideal.

6)  Make or buy an advent calendar.  It's almost time to start counting down!

7)  Book babysitters and hair appointments early to ensure availability.

8)  Buy/order Christmas cards.  Mailing cards out early ensures pre-Christmas delivery.

9)  Make time to give back this holiday season.  Consider baking cookies for a neighbour or buying a gift for a less fortunate family.

10) Don't stress out!  Focus on your family, and enjoy your time together.  It's not about the presents... it's about the presence. :-)

How do you reduce holiday stress?

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

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