Non-candy Halloween Treat {Mazes}...with free printable tags

My boys like to bring Halloween treats for their classmates, but because of their school's nutrition policy, I always try to come up with simple "non candy" Halloween treats for my boys to share with their friends.  This year I found little "maze" games, and I attached little notes that said, "I think you are an a"MAZE"ing friend."

Cute, right?  Check out the adorable printable tags I designed.  You can download the 4X6 labels for free by right clicking on the picture below, saving it to your computer, and printing it like a regular photo.

I put each "maze" game in a candy bag with a little spider (for an extra touch of fun).  Then, I added the tags.

I love this simple idea, and I think it is great candy alternative.  I know my boys' friends will have fun with their little treats.  Do you have a fantastic non candy Halloween treat idea?  I'd love for you to share it with me and my readers.

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)


  1. What a great idea! Kids will love to get these fun mazes - they won't even miss the candy!

  2. Do you think this would be ok for kindergartners?

    1. I think so. My 5 year old is having fun playing with his. Here is another option...
