Moms Need to Get in the Picture

On a recent family trip to Disney, my eight year old insisted that we get a family picture taken with Mickey Mouse. So, after a long day at Magic Kingdom, we waited in line, and we had our photo taken with the famous mouse... and it is the WORST picture of me EVER.

When I saw the picture, I immediately thought I looked terrible. I was clearly tired, my lipstick had worn off, and the humidity had made my hair fuzzy. However, in hindsight, even though I am not a fan of how I look in the picture, I am glad we had it taken. When I look at the photo today, I see all my flaws, but I know that years from now I will only see how happy (and lucky) I was in that moment with my husband and children. And I know my kids will look at the picture and remember how much fun we had together on that day.

Like many moms, I hate being photographed. I am much happier behind the camera, but I am making a conscious effort to step out of my comfort zone and into family photos. It is important for my boys to have childhood photos with their mom. I want them to remember that I was there... that I was part of their favourite memories.

Photo Credit: Hilary Hendsbee

So today, I challenge you to “get in the picture” with your little ones.  I guarantee that years from now, you and your kids will be glad that you did.

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)


  1. Thank you for posting this. So often it's us mom's behind the camera and every once in while, we might get a copy of someone else's picture with us in the shot. We should make an effort to be in more photos so that down the line our kids can share them with their families, like we share our "old" family photos with our kids.

    1. That's a great way to think of it. I love looking at "old" photos of my parents with my boys. Now I am even more motivated to step in front of the camera. :-)

  2. Loved seeing this ~ its my personal goal for 2014 ;) But love meeting you {a fellow Canadian mom blogger of boys} more! So nice to "meet" you! We just got back from Disneyland aaaand I have a "Cameron" too! lol I feel like if we weren't on opposite coasts that we should go for coffee. Cheers and Happy Mothers Day from a West Coast Momma!

    1. Wow! I think you are right about the coffee. :-) Your blog is lovely. So glad to have found you.
