10 Reasons my House is Messy {and I don't mind}

I grew up in a house that was never messy.  My sweet mom literally vacuums her way out of the house each day (True story.) She is an immaculate house keeper... and I am not.  I do my best, but I have learned to not stress out over a messy house.  Today I am sharing 10 reasons my house messy... and I don't mind.  Can you relate???

1)  My children are incapable of eating over a plate.  The war against Cheerios and toast crumbs is not one I can win.

2)  Teeth brushing involves out-of-control tooth paste spatter.  Our sink is large, but seems to be a target that no one can hit.

3)  Building forts requires a lot of blankets, all the cushions off the couch, and a general state of chaos in the living room.

4)  Someone is always hungry and looking for a meal or snack.  A spotless kitchen before bedtime is a pipe dream.

5)  Crafting and being creative is a messy (and necessary) part of childhood.

6)  We have too many books, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

7)  LEGO is hard to contain.

8)  Laundry is never ending.

9)  Kids are only little once.  There will be time to clean when my children no longer want to play with me.

10) Snuggling up to read a story is more fun (and more important) than a spotless house.

Some days I wish my house was perfectly clean and tidy, but for now, I think I'll just enjoy the finger prints on my windows.  I know some day they won't be there, and I'll miss them.

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)


  1. Thanks for this! You just described my life! with my boys being 5 and 7 it is crazy here plus I keep my 11 month old niece and my 7 month old nephew. so we never have a dull moment here but we have tons of fun!

    1. Thanks for such a lovely comment. Sometimes it helps to know that other moms are in the same boat. Keep having fun! :-)

  2. I agree with almost all of your points. I thankfully don't have to deal with the toothpaste issue (yet). My boys are 4, 2 and 1 month, so I would replace LEGO with Hot Wheels, I find them in the funniest places. We always have books everywhere.

    1. I can relate. I have two bins full of Hot Wheels! :-)

  3. My house and my life in a NUT SHELL!!!!

  4. Well, it sounds like you are the only person invited to my house because YOU GET IT!

    1. I know, right? I feel the same way about house guests. lol

  5. Made me happy to read this, but it is a possibility we are sisters or our mothers are cut from the same mold.

  6. omg ty lol im a sinle mom of 3 kids 6 , 9 and 11 as we speak im trying to figure out why the toothpase looks like the state of florida on my bathroom mirror as well as why the dog has blue crayola paws . sometimes i get stressed out so bad especially when you have that unexpected guest pop in and u have to apologize for the mess uggggggg :)

  7. So relate. I have 9,6,5,4 Yup I have 4 kids and I try to keep my house clean but by the sun light down i just look behind and seems like nothing is done. Laundry is never end.
