Top 10 Picture Books for Kids

For the last several months, my four year old and I have been working our way through our local library's list of their top 100 picture books for kids, and this weekend we completed it.  So today, I thought I would share my boys favourite books. Our top 10 picture books are...

1)  Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? -- by Bill Martin  (This simple book, with its fun colors and rhyming words, has always been a favourite in our house.)

2)  Corduroy -- by Don Freeman  (My mom gave me this book several years ago, and I have read it to my boys many times.  What's not to love about a story about an adorable bear finding a home?)

3)  Goodnight Moon -- by Margaret Wise Brown  (This is the perfect bedtime book.  I know it by heart, and my boys still love looking at all the detailed pictures.)

4)  Green Eggs and Ham -- by Dr. Seuss  (I am a sucker for the fun, rhyming style of Dr.Seuss books, and my boys love the silliness they contain.)

5)  Guess How Much I Love You -- by Sam McBratney  (This is another bedtime staple in our house, and every time I read it, I have the perfect excuse to remind my boys just how much I love them.)

6)  If you Give a Mouse a Cookie -- by Laura Joffe Numeroff  (This book always makes me smile, and my boys love it too.  It's silly, fun, and great to read with a cookie and a glass of milk.)

7)  Moo, Baa, La La La -- Sandra Boynton  (I adore Sandra Boynton books.  The illustrations are adorable, and the words are like song lyrics.  I know most of our Sandra Boynton books by heart.)

8)  The Paper Bag Princess -- by Robert Munsch  (This is a great book, with a fantastic message about not judging a book by its cover.  Robert Muncsh is a wonderful writer, and we have many of his books in our collection.)

9)  Press Here -- by Herve Tullet  (This book is totally original, and my boys love it.  It is interactive, and very clever.  Trust me.... you'll want to check out this one!)

10)The Very Hungry Caterpillar -- by Eric Carle  (The artwork in this book makes it a "must have" for any child.  I have definitely read this one more times than I can count!)

Have you read all the picture books on this list?  Do you have a favorite?

Happy Family Literacy Day!

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

*PS (I have included affiliate links in this post.  You can click on the links to read more about the books, and if you decide to place an order, you will be supporting me and this blog.  Thanks so much!)


  1. My two favorite books are: "Edwurd Fuddwupper Fibbed Big" & "Hooway For Wodney Wat"

    1. I haven't read those. I will have to add them to our "must read" list. :-)
