Elf on the Shelf Book Countdown

It's December 1, and it's time to start "counting down" to Christmas.  Luckily, last night (while we were sleeping) our Elf on the Shelf decided to put together a Christmas countdown for us.

If you don't have an Elf on the Shelf, this is still a great idea.  Dig out 24 of your Christmas books and movies, wrap them up, and number them.  Then, each day, the kids unwrap and read/watch the book/movie they opened that day.  Fun, right?

Our Elf is usually pretty smart.  He numbers the books/movies to ensure that there is always a movie on family movie night, and "The Night Before Christmas" is always the last book my boys open.  Such a clever Elf!

How do you count down to Christmas?

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

You can find more fun Elf on the Shelf Ideas here.


  1. do you have a letter printable with this? I want our elf to come home and bring 25 books with him for us to read one a night but as you can probably see I'm not that great at typing and putting my thoughts into words

    1. I don't, but this letter his really cute...http://eastcoastmommyblog.blogspot.ca/2012/11/elf-on-shelf-letter-from-santa.html
