8 Ways to Encourage Summer Reading

A number of studies have shown that children's reading skills decline during the summer months.  The "summer slide" is common, but that doesn't mean we (as parents) are powerless to do anything about it.  Here is a list of fun and easy ways to get kids excited about reading during the summer months.

1)  Create a "Mommy and Me Journal" - This is a favorite of mine (which you can read more about here).  My 6 year old and my 7 year old both have journals, and we spend all summer writing secret notes to each other.  It's a really fun way to get little ones practicing their reading and writing skills and to document all their summer adventures.

2)  Put it in the schedule - Summer can be a busy a time, so setting aside a specific time for reading is helpful.  In our house, the boys get to read for 1/2 past their bedtime each night.

3)  Visit the library - The library is a great place to head on a rainy day, and it is always fun to check out new books.  Many libraries {like ours} have summer reading programs which help getting your little ones reading.

4)  Make a summer reading list - Have children make a list of topics, themes, or characters they would like to read about.  Also, mix it up by reading different types of things. (e.g. books, magazines, comic books, cookbooks, ebooks, etc...)  

5)  Take it outside - Lay a blanket in the backyard, sit in a lawn chair, or build a fun no-sew tent using a bedsheet and a hula hoop (You can find the step by step instructions here).  Reading a book outside can be a fun summer activity.

6)  Choose books that are at the right level - Reading should be fun for young children so try to avoid frustrating beginners with books that are too difficult for them.

7)  Find a comfortable spot - It is great to have a comfy spot for reading.  A reading light in bed, or a comfy chair next to a book shelf are wonderful places to curl up with a good book.

8)  Host a kids summer reading party - Take an afternoon to invite friends over to swap books, talk about books, read books, make bookmarks, and enjoy special snacks.

Don't forget, it is also important to set an example for your children. Read in front of your children, and curl up on the couch and spend some time reading to them.

Happy Reading!

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

1 comment:

  1. Great suggestions! My son is motivated to read because of the prizes he receives for participating in the library summer reading program.
