Last Day of School 2013 {Family Traditions}

Tuesday was the last day of preschool for my three year old, and today my two older boys went to pick up their report cards.  We have two special traditions for the last day of school.  First, I pick the boys up at school and take them for ice cream.

Then, the boys get to run through their "finish lines".  {This was the first year my three year old was able to run through a finish line, so he was super-excited!}

Do you have any special end of year traditions?  I just love hearing about the fun things other families do! 

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)


  1. What delightful little boys!!! They look like naturals!! Happy Canada Day!

    Patricia, Sugar & Spice & All Things ? Nice

    1. Thanks so much! Happy Canada Day to you too! :-)
