What I Really Want for Mother's Day {and Ginger Cookie Recipe}

For Mother's Day, I don't want jewellery, fancy clothes, or a trip to an exotic location -- they cost too much and don't really fit my lifestyle at the moment anyway.  This year, I have my heart set on something pretty simple -- a big cup of coffee, a couple of homemade cookies, and 30 minutes to enjoy them ALL BY MYSELF.

Don't get me wrong, I love my boys and I cherish my time with them, but I do miss those "long ago" days (before I became a mother) when I could pee by myself and drink a full cup of coffee... sitting down... while it was still hot.  Who's with me?

And, in case my husband reads this and needs more ideas, here are the Top 5 Things I Really Want for Mother's Day.

Isn't this a great list?  What would be on your list of "Things YOU Really Want for Mother's Day"?

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

PS (Here's the link for the Ginger Cookies in the picture.)


  1. I totally agree with you. I would just add a walk in the park to your list. Oh yeah, and I'd change it to tea instead of coffee. I hope your Mother's Day dreams come true.

  2. lovely ideas :) i like getting the homemade cards #LMDconnector

  3. Love it Gina. I hope you get it all! #LMDConnector

  4. This is a very good list!
    I'd love a homemade card from my son. Those are the sweetest!
    May you have a wonderful Mother's Day.

  5. Those all sound perfect :) And those cookies! I <3 Ginger Cookies!
