Monster Madness

As a Disney Junior Mom, I was excited to hear that Disney Junior Canada is premiering a new show this month -- Henry Hugglemonster.  My boys and I love monsters {the cute kind}, so I thought this was a great opportunity to share a couple of our favorite monster crafts with you.

Cute, right?  The keys to a successful monster craft are: googly eyes and a little imagination.  Here is what we made:

1)  Monster Bookmarks -  Who doesn't love an adorable bookmark?  We made our "monster bookmarks" out of craft foam, but paper would work too.  After you have finished creating your monster, add a ribbon loop at the top and a googly eye or two, and you'll have an adorable bookmark for all your favorite monster stories.

2)  Monster Magnet Movers - Kids will have a great time moving these adorable pom pom monsters around "like magic".  All you need to do is draw a road on a piece of paper.  Then, take two "attracting magnets" and attach one to a pom pom monster, and one to a folded "handle".  Put the monster on top of the paper and the magnet on the bottom of the paper.  When you move the bottom magnet, the monster will move too.  Fun, right?

3)  Playdough Monsters - Little ones will have a blast making monsters from playdough, googly eyes and pipe cleaners.  Let the kids use their imagination to create a bunch of friendly, monster friends.

I hope you have fun with these monster crafts, and I hope you enjoy the new Disney Junior series - Henry Hugglemonster.

Let me know how you enjoy the monster crafts and the new show.  My boys and I will definitely be watching.

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

* You can find me on facebook here.

Disclosure: I’m part of the Disney Junior Mom program and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group, but {of course} the opinions on this blog are my own.

1 comment:

  1. cool ideas we love doing crafts too :) #disneyjuniormom
