Elf on the Shelf {Easter Card}

Some of you may remember that our "Elf on the Shelf" sent a Valentine to my boys.  They were so thrilled by it, that I thought it would be fun if our "Elfie" dropped off an Easter card too.  My boys will be so excited to find this card beside their baskets on Easter morning.

Would you like a copy?  I have put together a {free} generic, printable 5X7 version, and you can download it here.

Do your little ones miss their "Elf on the Shelf"?  Mine sure do!


Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

* You can find me on facebook here.


  1. What an amazing idea!! So great that the Elf could take time out from making toys to hop on over to thrill your kids. My kids will love the card too I'm sure.
    Popping over from the Thursday Favorite Things Bloghop

  2. This is a great idea. Thanks for sharing!

  3. our grandchildren do miss their elf on the shelf! Thank you for sharing your lovely blog at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop xo

  4. Hi Gina,

    Another great idea! I have a question for you. We have a female elf on the shelf. How difficult would it be for me to change the picture on this? Thanks:))

    1. Thanks so much! I made the card in Picmonkey using a picture I took of our Elf. It isn't too hard. You could take a picture of your elf and make one. Good luck! :-)
