Santa Beard - Preschooler Craft

When crafting with a group of preschoolers, I like to keep things simple.  If small children have to wait around for a lot of help, they will lose interest and move on to something else.  I also love a craft that turns into something kids can play with after they have made it. This Santa beard craft is definitely a simple and fun craft, and kids love it!

Isn't it adorable? Can't you just hear my little guy say, "ho ho ho"?

To make a Santa beard, it is best to do a little "prep work" before involving the little ones.  First, print out the beard template, which you can find here*, and cut it out if the kids are too young to do it themselves. The hole for the mouth can be tricky for little ones.

*If you have trouble with the download: click on the photo of the beard below, right-click, save it to your computer, size it so that you can fit two beards on a regular-sized piece of cardstock, and print it.

Then, tape a popsicle stick to the back of the beard. (White duct tape works best.)

Now it is time to involve the preschooler.  Just let him/her glue cotton balls all over the beard.  What preschooler doesn't love a craft that involves lots of glue?

This Santa beard craft is a definitely a crowd pleaser. It's an easy craft to make, and it is fun for little ones to "play Santa" over the holidays.  Do you have a favorite holiday craft to make with Preschoolers?

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

PS - You can find more Christmas crafts and activities here.


  1. Love this. We are decorating our tree tonight and we are all wearing one :)

  2. Just wanted you to know that we used your template to bless the lives of children at Gaochun Special School in Gaochun, China! I hope that is within your "personal use" category. Thanks for creating this!


  4. Thank you for sharing that. Actually my daughter came home from school the other day with the same beard template and also a red hat template, but I had no idea what it was for. Now after seeing your post, it makes sense, BTW you and I are using the same blogger template. Love it!

  5. Thank you for sharing, Going to use this in my class with my 2 year old they are sure to love it

    1. Fun! I'm making them with a group of preschoolers tomorrow too. :-)

  6. Can't wait to try this tomorrow with my 3 and 2 year olds :) thank you

  7. My boys are much older than preschool, but I think they will still enjoy making Santa beards. Thank you!

  8. I love this. I wish i could make this for my students.

  9. Thanks for sharing such an amazing activity and article.

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