Non-candy Halloween Treats {Glasses}... with free printable bag toppers

My three year old attends a preschool {one morning a week} that has a strict "no candy" policy.  I still wanted him to have something to pass out to his friends for Halloween, so I came up a cute and inexpensive "non-candy" Halloween treat.

I found some crazy plastic glasses at Walmart {6 pairs for $2}, which my boys think are hilarious.  :-)  I put a pair of glasses in a "snack bag", added a tag that says, '"Eye" am lucky to have a friend like you!', and stuck on a googly eye for an extra touch of fun.  {You can find the free, downloadable tag I designed here.}

I think they are adorable Halloween class treats, don't you?  Do you have a great "alternative to candy" you want to share?  I would love to hear about it.

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

** If you haven't already "liked" me on facebook, I would love to have you join me here.


  1. Love this! My daughter has a peanut allergy so I am always looking for food-free ideas :)

  2. How cute is this!!!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!

  3. Jealous over this. It’s really really nice.Thanks for sharing.

  4. non candy halloween treat great project
