{Mother's Day} Banner

May 13 {Sunday} is Mother's Day, so here is an adorable, easy, and inexpensive decoration you can make with the kids.  I love using banners to decorate for holidays, and this one is made using the pages of an old book{A great recycling project.}

Cute, right?  Here's how you do it:

First, use your computer to print out the letters you need to spell "MOMMY".  {I used "Rockwell" font, but you can use whatever you like.}  

Then, cut five pages out of a book, and cut a triangle out of the bottom of each page {per the photo below}.

Now, the kids are ready to decorate the letters.  {My boys just used crayons, but you could add glitter or stickers if you want.}

Help the kids to cut out the letters, and use double sided tape {or glue} to attach the letters to the book pages.

To finish, use a hole punch and some twine to string the pages together.

I love how the banner turned out, and my boys are very proud of the decoration they made for me.  Happy Mother's Day to all of you wonderful mothers out there!  I hope your special day is full of hugs, kisses, and homemade cards/gifts.  :-)

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

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  1. I love your sign. Super cute idea.
    Happy Mother's Day!


  2. What size font did you use?

    1. Great question! I definitely should have written that down because now I can't remember. I know I had to type it in (because it wasn't in the drop down menu). Maybe try 450? It will depend on the size of your book pages. Make sense?

  3. totally. thank you. I am going to attempt a happy birthday banner :)

    1. I already have plans for a Father's Day one too. :-) Let me know how your birthday banner turns out.
