ECM Kid's Craft Club - #2 {Foam Bookmarks}

The {East Coast Mommy} Kid's Craft Club is an easy and inexpensive way for kids to have fun crafting and experience the excitement of getting their very own mail.

For those of you that ordered this kit.... Welcome!  (If you want to join the club, email, and I will send you the details.)

OK, let's get started!

1)  Gather all the supplies that came in your kit.

2)   Cut out all the pieces on the template.  (The tutorial for the monster bookmark is on the left, and the tutorial for the bird bookmark is on the right.)  Use the paper templates to cut out the foam parts.

For the monster - Cut two shoes from the red foam, one body from the blue foam, and two antennae from the red foam.  Use the cardstock (not foam) for the mouth and tooth.

For the bird - Cut one body from the purple foam, one wing from the purple foam, and one beak from the yellow foam.

3)  Arrange all the pieces (per the picture below), and glue in place (with white glue).  Allow to dry completely.

For the bird, draw in feet with a pen or marker.

4)  To finish, tie the ribbon to the top of the bookmark.

Let me know what you thought of this craft.  Your comments help me to get better, and I love hearing from you. 

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

PS (It goes without saying... but I will say it anyway because I am an overprotective mother... "assist young children when using scissors, and be careful of the small parts included with this kit, as they can be a choking hazard for children under three".)


  1. Gina,, he just love doing it, that he want to do it again.. so the template r kept for when were gonna do another one. and he name him. jibbie.. how cute.. thats when we were making it.. thanks lots of fun.. cant wait for the next one already..


    1. That is adorable! You tell him I am looking forward to the next one too. :-)

  2. We just finished making our bookmarks Gina and the boys loved it. Owen wanted to do his on his own and added some arms and a street for him to stand on. Jake and I stuck to the instructions. I will send a picture when the glue is dry and they can hold them up. Thanks again!

    Jennifer Sangster

    1. Sooooo glad they had fun! I love when they "do there own thing" -- totally cute! Can't wait to see the picture. :-)

    2. mad girl you are just mad
