No-Sew {Disney} T-Shirts

My three boys went to Disney, and two of their cousins came with us.  So... with five boys {six and under} going to Disney, I knew they needed matching shirts.  Matching shirts look adorable, they let other people know that you are a group, and they make it easier to keep track of everyone.  Clever and cute!  :-)

I have yet to figure out how to use my sewing machine, so I knew the shirts had to be "no sew".  I headed to Walmart, and I picked up some Heat n Bond (iron on adhesive), some $5 t-shirts, and some matching fabric scraps.

First, I used a Mickey Silhouette (from one of the boy's coloring books) as a template.  I traced the shape onto the Heat n Bond and cut it out.

Then, I used the same template to cut the shape out of the fabric.

From there, I just followed the instructions on the package.  

The shirts turned out really sweet, and the boys were thrilled, but I did find they weren't very durable (i.e. They didn't survive washing.)  It may have been "user error", but to be safe, if you want them to last more than a day, you might want to try sewing them on.  

(Or... as suggested by one of my readers... seal the edges with fabric paint.  Such a great idea!


Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

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  1. Great idea, Gina! I'll have to try this for our trip to Disney next year.

    1. I was also going to make one for me that said "mom" with a Mickey Silhouette for the "O", but I ran out of time. I am such a geek! lol

  2. This is great. My sewing machine and I are gradually becoming friends, so I was planning to sew something different, but if that doesn't work, I will use your idea. (PS: Ours are going to say "Team Ourlastname" on the back...I'm a geek too. lol)

  3. Oh I love the fact that I am not the only one who has a sewing machine, but has yet to learn to use it. We "need" matching shirts for "THE" photo in front of Cinderella's castle. Thanks for sharing these easy, step-by-step instructions. Any other tips you want to share for managing all those boys at the parks? We will have three boys: 6,5 and 23 mo. We are renting a double stroller for the older two.

    1. It is fun to have matching shirts. Here are a couple of posts full of tips. Have a great trip! :-)

  4. a little tip for heat-n-bond, folks: Fuse it to the fabric BEFORE you cut out the shape... it just makes everything easier and saves you a step :)
    If you aren't yet friends with your sewing machine, this won't last washing (I think it might even warn you of that on the package of heat-n-bond). But sewing is REALLY easy, I promise!

    1. PS: these shirts are ridiculously awesome.

    2. Great tip, Sara! Thanks. :-)

  5. I just did this a couple weeks ago and they came out awesome! My mother-in-law actually gave me the tip to outline the iron-on with fabric paint to seal the edges and IT WORKED!!!!!! Just thought I would share the tip with anyone who might still want to try to make their own shirts.
