New Halloween Tradition -- Booing!

As you have probably already guessed, I love holiday traditions.  I really believe they are the foundation for great childhood memories.

So.... when family friends introduced us to "Ghosting" this year, I could not have been more excited.  "Ghosting" or "Booing" is a tradition where you leave treats, a note, and a "You've been Booed/Ghosted" sign for your neighbours.... secretly.... kind of like a Secret Santa for Halloween.  :-)

It is a ton of fun!

You can find the printable that we used (from The TomKat Studiohere, but there are tons of versions out there in blog world if you do a search.  Find your favorite, and HAPPY BOOING!

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)
** If you haven't already "liked" me on facebook, I would love to have you join me here.


  1. This is fantastic idea!

  2. Thanks for the idea!!! We're going to get ready to go Booing!!!!!
