Halloween Garland

I always like to decorate the window in my kitchen with a holiday themed banner.  It just seems to add a "festive" feeling to the space.  For Halloween, I made a simple photo banner using pictures of the boys (from the last five years) dressed up in their costumes.

All you need is some black construction paper, some Halloween photos, a hole punch, scissors and ribbon.

Here is how to make a photo banner:

1)  Cut some triangles out of black construction paper, attach a picture to each triangle with tape or glue, and punch a hole in each of the top corners of the triangles.

2)  Weave ribbon through the holes (as per the picture below).

3)  Hang your banner, and enjoy.  :-)

It really does add a "festive touch" to a space, and it is a great way to display pictures and remember past Halloween fun.  :-)

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)


  1. Hi, Gina

    How sweet! I love all the pics you added to the banner. Great idea and thanks for sharing.


  2. Oh my gosh great idea using pictures of your kiddos! I love it!! Thank you so much for linking up to Make Yourself Monday!

    For Love of Cupcakes

  3. Very cute!!

