5 Rainy Day Activities

I don't know about you, but rainy days can sometimes make me question my sanity {seriously!}  Here are 5 rainy day activities that I use to keep my boys busy and happy when we are stuck in the house all day.

1)  Build with Marshmallows:  This is so easy, and it doesn't require much adult assistance.  Aren't these the best activities?  All you need are:  toothpicks, marshmallows, and imagination.  The kids use the toothpicks to connect the marshmallows and "build" things.  Fun and simple!

2)  Have a Puppet Show:  For the puppet theatre, we use a spring loaded curtain rod and an old sheet in a doorway.  The sheet works well because it already has an opening for the rod -- no sewing required.  

For puppets, we print pictures off the internet, color them, cut them out, and attach a popsicle stick to the back.  

3)  Build Stuff Out of Boxes:  In this picture, we turned a cardboard box into a car that the boys named "The Imagination Car".  They had a great time decorating and "building" the car.  If you let the kids take the lead, they will come up with lots of great uses for a box; however, if you are looking for inspiration, you can find 5 fun ideas here.

4)  Make Playdough:  I use a great/easy "no cook" recipe that uses Kool Aid.  It makes great colors, and the playdough smells yummy.  (You can find the recipe here.)  My boys love to make playdough creatures using googly eyes and pipe cleaner.

5)  Indoor Camping:  We have an indoor tent, but a tent made out of chairs and blankets will work too.  We make a fire out of construction paper for "roasting" marshmallows, and the boys put on their bathing suits. 

Hopefully, these ideas will help to make your rainy days a little more "sunny"!  :-)
Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

PS (If you haven't already done so, "Like" me on facebook for lots of great info that doesn't get posted on this blog.  www.facebook.com/EastCoastMommy)

PPS (You might also like my Fishing Fun post -- really fun on a rainy day.)


  1. That's a great idea! I'll have to try this with my kids.

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  2. Such a great idea! This is something that my boys would love. I found you from the blog hop =)

  3. I love your ideas! The cardboard box car would be a really big hit with my son :) Thanks!!

  4. Thanks for linking up to "Help a Momma Out!" These are GREAT ideas!! Looks like you all had so much fun!!


  5. Love these ideas!!! I love the fake fire! Too fun!

  6. Those are awesome ideas!! Love the indoor camping idea, my kids are going to thing its great! Thanks for sharing :)


  7. Awesome ideas! I love the indoor camping one, my kids are going to love it! Thanks for sharing :)


  8. I agree.. awesome ideas!!!!! Thanks so much for sharing at Sun Scholars!!! :)

  9. Such great ideas. Something I might add to the indoor camping is after the kids "roast" their marshmallows, You can make microwave s'mores. just put half the graham cracker, piece of chocolate and the marshmallow in the microwave for about 20 seconds (depending on micro power). An added bonus is the kids can see the marshmallow "grow" when it's heated. Take the s'more out of the microwave and top with the other side of the graham cracker. Make sure you have plenty of napkins available because it can get messy!
    Great Blog!

  10. What great rainy day activities. Thanks for sharing with Tuesday Tots! I have pinned it to the Tuesday Tot board, and hope you will share more great ideas with Tuesday Tots next week :)
