Tiny Tooth Fairy Bag

Think about it... if you were a child, wouldn't you be afraid of a fairy coming into your room while you were sleeping????  This little tooth fairy bag is the perfect solution because it can be hung outside a child's room.  

It is a great size for a tooth and a coin or two, and it is quick and easy to make with scraps of felt and ribbon.

You can make your own using this tutorial as a guide, or you can buy one from me at Cute as a Button Designs.  Here is how I made it:

You will need:
  • a 6cm X 12cm piece of scrap felt
  • a small piece of white scrap felt (for a tooth)
  • a 19cm length of ribbon
  • thread and a needle
  • scissors

Cut a small tooth shape out of a piece of white scrap felt and stitch it to the top section of the 6cm X 12 cm rectangle of felt.

Flip the felt over (so that the "wrong side" is facing up and the tooth is on the bottom) and stitch on the ribbon.

Fold the fabric in half (so that the tooth is on the front of the bag) and stitch the two sides closed -- leaving an opening at the top.

I made three blue ones for my boys.

Now everyone can sleep soundly knowing that the tooth fairy won't be going in anyone's room in the middle of the night {wink}!

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

PS (If you like this, you should also check out this post on how to make a "tooth taxi".)

* If you haven't already "liked" me on facebook, I would love to have you join me here.


  1. I just made one of these as well! (maybe a month or so ago). Check it out!

    I just started a linky party this past Tuesday. It was a great success with over 50 link ups! I would love it if you would participate tomorrow! It's called $10 Tuesdays and it's for things that cost less than $10 and take 20-30 mins (ish) to complete. I love inexpensive and quick projects and I'm guessing others will too ;) Thanks so much for considering.
    PS. I'm GIVING away 50 button pony tailers this month! Come visit and claim yours ;)

  2. So, so, so cute!! I keep meaning to do something like this. Perhaps in time for my second son's first tooth!

  3. Stinking cute! Love it!

    I am having a giveaway on my blog. $27 sc to get a fabulous organizer from Cmmoca's handmade shop. ends 11/5. This is great for the mommy on the go! Leave me a comment to win!

  4. Cute idea! I'd love for you to stop by and link up at Inspire Me Mondays! It's up all week!

  5. this is a cute idea! I was planning on making a big tooth pillow but who knows when I'll get to that, I'll have to do this since my oldest is trying to wiggle out yet another tooth!

  6. Great idea, and so cute. I need to add this to my to do list. My 6 yr old has not lost any teeth yet, but soon I am sure....

    JamieS@ Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom

  7. Thanks for the quick tutorial :) I bet the tooth fairy will be excited to leave some money whenever she picks up the tooth. Linking up this awesome post with us made the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop better and more special. Thank you!

  8. It looks very cute and tiny! I bet the kids will get more and more excited to put their teeny weeny teeth there and wait for their tooth fairy! I've gotta share this awesome idea to my wife! Thanks a lot!

  9. haha. What a great idea for tooth fairy lovers out there. :)

    Cathy@embroidery digitising

  10. Love this idea! We made ours a little bigger and it is perfect. Thank you!

  11. cool! (Y)
    I also made ​​another one :-)
