DIY Book Nook

I believe that books should always be visible and accessible to children, and this is why you will find books in almost every room of my house.  In an effort to be a little more organized, this weekend, I created a simple DIY "book nook" for my boys.

It was really easy to put together.  I bought some unfinished spice racks from IKEA and painted them white.  Then, I added a framed photo of a page out of one of our favorite books.  (I also added a quote to our picture using  It says, "The more that you read, the more things you will know.  The more that you learn, the more places you'll go. - by Dr. Seuss.")  Cute, right?

I love how all the books are "on display", and the boys are thrilled with how easy it is to find their favorites.

Do you have a "quick tip" for displaying books in your home?

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)


  1. Awsome I was at ikea today I need to do this for my dd room. How is the canvas one made are there instruction

    1. Are you talking about the canvas bookshelf below the IKEA shelves? I bought that one years ago from Toys R Us.

  2. these are so cute but the books get very dusty 😕
